Erie Neighborhood House
Thank you to all the funders and individual donors who have contributed to the Community Relief Fund since its launch two years ago. Without your support, we could not have helped many Erie House participants who were struggling to provide for their families and stressed about care for their children.
At this time, we are no longer accepting applications for funding. If you require financial assistance, please get in touch with our office at 312-666-3430.
Gracias a todos los patrocinadores y donantes individuales que contribuyeron al Fondo Comunitario desde su lanzamiento hace dos años. No podríamos haber ayudado a tantos participantes de Erie House que luchaban por mantener a sus familias y estaban estresados por el cuidado de sus hijos, sin su apoyo.
En este momento, ya no aceptamos solicitudes de financiación. Si necesita asistencia financiera, comuníquese nuestra oficina al 312-666-3430.
Thank you for supporting the Erie House Community Relief Fund.